Are you worried you're not putting enough away to achieve your dream retirement?

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    Stefanie Gonzales

    Founder | Women's Wealth Effect

    Who am I?

    I am an ex-tech supply chain senior leader who has turned 10+ years of planning & forecasting experience into clear and simple tools women can use to create clarity, control and confidence with their financial future.


    I 10x'd my income over 15 years, paid off over $420k in debt, invested multi 6 figures annually, became a millionaire at age 37 and now live in Portugal with my family of 4!


    I'm obsessed with helping professional women go from not knowing how they will retire β€œsome day”, to becoming confident investors so they decide how they live, work and THRIVE on their terms.


    Welcome to the Women's Wealth Effect Community!

    What will you learn?

    • What your financial independence number actually is (F.I.R.E.)


    • How LONG you need to invest to reach independence


    • How MUCH you need to invest to reach independence


    • How EARLY you can reach independence
